Monday, 8 April 2013
Bulk Importing PST files into Exchange 2010
If you have exported all your PSTs from Exchange 2003 with ExMerge you need to import them back into Exchange 2010. This can only be done via PowerShell.
Open Exchange PowerShell with elevated privileges. You will need to change below, the username to your current exchange administrator account.
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role “Mailbox Import Export” –User SBSadmin
Open Exchange PowerShell again with elevated privileges and issue this command, this is one long line. You have to use a UNC path. Change server_name with your new Exchange servers name.
Dir \\server_name\d$\*.pst | %{New-MailboxImportRequest -Name ImportOfPst -BatchName ImportPstFiles -AcceptLargeDataLoss -
BadItemLimit unlimited -Mailbox$_.BaseName -FilePath $_.FullName}
You can monitor the progress of the import with this command...
Remember Exchange will only import two PSTs at a time. This can be altered by editing the Exchange config file but you risk overloading your exchange server.
Get-MailboxImportRequest | Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics | ft TargetAlias,Percent*,BytesTransferred*
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