Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Dell Storage Manager Virtual Appliance - The provided manifest file is invalid

When deploying the Dell Storage Manager Virtual Appliance  DSM VirtualAppliance- into a VMware vSphere 6.x platform, you see the error:

The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry:

A work around to this is to download 7 Zip and extract the OVA to c:\Temp folder. Then download the OVAtool from VMware:


C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe  "c:\Temp\DSMBuildVM-" "c:\Temp\DSMBuildVM-"

The manifest validates
Opening OVA target: DSM.ova
Writing OVA package: DSM.ova
Transfer Completed
 - No manifest entry found for: 'DSMBuildVM-'.
 - File is missing from the manifest: 'DSMBuildVM-'.

Completed successfully.

Now when you try to deploy the OVA is should go through.